Monday, November 8, 2010


Were one to inspect my profile description on this blog, one will find the word “contradictory” and that is the subject I would like to dwell on today.

That life is full of contradictions one can hardly disagree with, but I would like to point out those contradictions that mostly pass us by undetected and hence remain undocumented.

I shall start with the seemingly constant tug-o-war between the mind and the body. While the average mind will accept, if not outwardly look for, change, the body, on the other hand, thrives on routine. We’ve all heard of the biological clock and how more rhythmical than a clock can a body get? Our body needs consistency in nutrition, work, rest, relaxation, bowel movements, sleep, emotions, stress levels, etc…the list could go on and on. I should not and certainly will not generalize, but as far as I’m concerned I prefer to vary my schedule, diet, routine, ( can one actually vary one’s routine ? if you vary it, it will not be a routine anymore now would it ? ) but that will mean that I’m stimulating my mind while sacrificing the body rhythm. Ahh well…you cannot have your bread buttered on both sides, I suppose.

A contradictory or shall I say conflicting aspect which I regularly encounter in my work sphere is whether to continue boosting a product which is selling well or try to ‘push’ another which is not as saleable. Whether to stick to what you KNOW your clients like or whether to try to get them taste what you think they should be eating.

All chefs get a lot of satisfaction when they come up with new recipes which become popular with their clients and I am no exception in this regard, but at the back of my mind there is always the thought that ‘the customer is king’ and will sacrifice my creative streak if that is the way to keep a particular client happy.

There are various schools of thoughts about the subject. Some chefs insist on ‘doing their own thing’ and expect their clients to not only like it but also come back for more, even if they risk that the ‘more’ is not more of the same but rather something completely different. 

Pork Loin filled with Ricotta and Apple

Roasted Quail filled with Maltese Sausages and Dried Figs

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