Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting Down To It

This title has two meanings ( again ) .

Once you hit this blog, you have to get down to the very bottom and find the very first post so that you will have more of an indication of what it is all about. Sometimes it is not enough simply to read a person's opinion, but one must delve into the motivation of that same opinion because that is what gives an insight into the author's character and most often than not shows it in a new light.

On another note, it is a well known fact that sometimes you cannot sit around waiting for some inspiration to hit you before sitting down to post. You have to actually sit down and hit some keys, even if after you're done you feel that you have to erase the first paragraph. The mere fact of starting off gets the inspirational juices flowing. The Italians say "L appetito vien mangiando" which translates into "your appetite improves while eating".

Same thing happens with my cooking. So many new ideas come to me while I am actually cooking that sometimes I wonder why I ever bother to plan at all ! Ahh but the planning should also be. I heard somewhere that failing to plan is planning to fail. I believe that wholeheartedly. But plans should not be too rigid. Since the planner and the executor are the same person in this instance, the former can leave as much leeway to the latter as desired.

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