Thursday, July 6, 2017

15th June 2017
Musings In Japan 1

Write it ( and send it to me )
It doesn’t always have to be something deep and profound. The
importance is that something is written. Some form of daily
communication is important to keep the friendship going. Just a few
twigs to keep the embers nicely hot. It doesn’t have to be a furnace
every time.

I love analogies, examples, parables and fables.

These are great ways of how to explain some emotions or abstract
thoughts. You have to be careful not to over-simplify your examples to
an infantile level though.
I love forms of speech. I enjoy playing with words using puns or
double entendre.

I do believe that learning a new language, or learning a language
which you already know better should be funnily interesting.
I also know for a fact that practice makes perfect, but that does not
mean just listening to phrases but also using them. A student, at
One of my hobbies is humour. I love reading jokes, hearing jokes,
whatever level, must be given an opportunity to use what he/she has
learnt because that way it will remain imprinted in his mind.
A question that I am usually asked by friends is how I manage to
telling jokes, learning about jokes, and watching stand up comedians.
remember so many jokes. My answer is simple. As soon as I hear or read
soon ( or write it down ) and that helps for it to be saved in mymind’s database.
a new joke which I find really funny, I have to tell it to someone
So, when you learn something new, use it soon, try to explain it to
someone else, or write it down. That will help you to never forget it.
I want to share with you my views on quotations.
Mostly, we like to read quotations because they sound like the little
voice in our heads.
didn't I think of it before
When we see most quotations we are thinking " yes, that is true, why
portray a thought from a different perspective. Although most public
Actually, some quotes do not convey any new thoughts, they just
speakers use quotations to add strength to their arguments, the
The best way to win an audience is by a witty humorous introduction
audience should realize that a good quote is not an end in itself. It
does not prove anything.
about anything is when you have to teach it, because while you are
and a sound logical delivery which makes sense and appeals to the emotional ( as opposed to rational ) part of the brain.
Writing about a subject enables you to sort ideas in your head so you
can actually see things more clearly, but the most that you learn
subject and discovering more about it along the way.
passing on information, you are actually getting deeper into the

Sometimes, our work gives us so much satisfaction that we are not only
exhausted, but also
completely fulfilled by our role in society and the world.
Are we fooling ourselves ? Is there more to life than just meeting
deadlines and paying all the bills ? How can we find out ? What is the
magic formula ?
Is it okay to look further when you feel you are already settled, and
you feel that nothing will happen to disrupt your daily / weekly
routine ? Sometimes, questions are more important than answers. They
make you think .

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